Hello everyone! My name is Ankita Saloni and I'm an enthusiastic Developer, Blogger, Community builder, and Author. I'm a prefinal year student of Computer Science & Engineering and a keen observer and passionate learner who's always willing to learn and is never tired of trying hands on something new. I love mentoring curious minds, public speaking, building projects, participating in hackathons, working on product management strategies, meeting new people, and sipping coffee when I have none of the above works to do. I'm associated with a lot of tech communities across the globe such as AnitaB.org, Google Women Techmakers, Codecademy, and the Amazon Alexa community and with an aim to make technology accessible for everyone, I'm working towards building diverse and inclusive communities. I'm interested in voice technology, machine learning, product management & content creation and would love to mentor people in domains related to product management, hackathons, blogging, career transition, networking, personal branding, opportunities in tech, scholarship opportunities, and content writing. You can connect with me at poly.work/saloniankita
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $
Video call | 60 min | $