Breaking into Cybersecurity

Mon Feb 14th, 2022, 06:00PM - 06:30PM UTC  

Whether you are considering moving to Cybersecurity or even if you are a seasoned security professional, you are most certainly dealing with an overload of information and lots of uncertainties. Especially in the beginning, it can be a daunting task to understand what it really means to work in this industry. This is a chance for you to have an honest talk with someone who has been through it all and get a fresh perspective about the real world of infosec. Let's cover: * Different jobs available in this efervescent market, focusing on entry-level paths * What are the essential things to learn and what are some great (and free) resources * Cybersecurity certifications to have (and those to skip) * Myths and realities * Anedoctes from the frontlines * Memes. Lots of them.